
UmmagmaAfter discovering that my Strawberry Tongue email wasn’t forwarding properly, I found an email from a woman named Shauna, asking me if I would be interested in hearing their music to include on the station. She sent her email at least four months ago. I replied as soon as I found it, feeling like a heel.

Shauna replied to my apologetic email and attached some mp3 files to review and honestly, I was blown away. Their inspirations are disparate – synthpop, dreampop, shoegaze and alt-rock, they weave a tapestry of soundscapes that are luscious and yet pure.

Shauna’s vocals are reminiscent of vocals of Lush, with a lyrical sweetness, but not to the point of saccharin. Alex’s vocals are hushed and laid back. Big drum beats, swooshing synths, hooky guitar riffs and lyrics that are reflective, but far from bleak. This is the kind of music you want to listen to when you are taking a lazy Sunday excursion to the destination of bliss.

New tracks on Strawberry Tongue Radio inlcude the Jane Woodman remix of Lama, Beautiful Moment (Antigravity) and Rotation (Ummagma).

Visit Ummagma at their website to learn more about this duo.

Find more Ummagma at iTunes.



